Underwriters Salvage Corps (St Louis, Missouri)
The Underwriters Salvation Corps of St Louis was created in 1874 to reduce the lost of property in fires. Members would be part of Fire Patrols that, in the event of a fire, would enter burning structures and remove valuables before the fire could destroy them.
- Leslie Bright
- Charles Henry Campfield
- Thomas R. Collins
- George T Cram - First President
- Charles Evens - First Chief
- Ernest Hyacinthe Peugnet - President
- John Glanville - Chief and Designer of Special Motor Wagon, and the Locomobile
- Thomas M. Gorman - Captain
- Joseph Franklin Hickey - Treasurer
- James T O'Donnell - Chief
- John J. O'Toole
- Franis Roeder - Treasurer
- A. H. Schwarz
- Raymond W. Smith
- Roy W. Smith
- Lewis E Snow - First Secretaty
- The creation of the Corps - "Encyclopedia of the History of Missouri" Page 478
- The end of the Corps - "St. Louis Fire Department History" Paragraph 6 of the "Paid Fire Department" Section
See also